Litter C
Do It
This litter will combine some very very strong agility pedigrees. Do It's father, Sylvain Of Nagata House Jp, has been on the Japanese Agility World Team several times and will also compete in Luxembourg 2014. He has some very talented family in agility and some really good offspring as well. Do It's mother is from kennel Darleyfalls in England. The siblings from Do It's mother is among the most winning dogs in England an Do It's aunt Darleyfalls Dark Secret (Kizzy) has been at the world championships as well and this year Darleyfalls will be represented at the WC by Darleyfalls Mr. Boss Man, Do It's uncle. Do It's mother's siblings has been representing the Darleyfalls at all major events in England like Crufts, oplympia etc. Do It is already showing great jumping style and speed like the rest of her family. Read all about Do It here.Esh
Esh comes from a litter of 4 and all are active in agility and despite their young age they show great potential and great jumping technique. Esh's mother and mother's siblings all compete in agility, and show great potential as well. Esh's mother Belly Of Austrian Starlight is one of the few dogs who can run as fast as Hoss, when she has a good run. Belly is a halfsister to "the first generation" (Quincy Vom Thurnhof x Alison Vom Hegnenberg) of the Granting Pleasure dogs. This means Esh is a nephew to Fetch Granting Pleasure, Chilli Pepper Granting Pleasure, Fleece Granting Pleaure and all the other super talented agility dogs. Esh is a cousin of my A litter which produced dogs with exceptional potential for agility including All Zet Air Attack Strafe. Esh's father Lynmar Jim is a herding dog and he is the father of quite a few dogs doing agility. So far I have heard that his offspring are very very easy to work with. Esh has his own page here on with lots of links to videos of family etc.. Check it out here. You can also take a look at Fetch's page here on to see the links for Esh's talented aunts and ucles in agility.Puppies
I hope this litter will produce healthy dogs with great temperaments who will love to work in agility and any dog sport. I expect puppies to have a great natural jumping technique.Pedigree
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