Esh Of Austrian Starlight

Pedigree name:
Esh Of Austrian Starlight
Date of birth:
Silke Romirer
Kennel Austrian Starlight - Pascale Kühn
52 cm
17 kg
Clear as a puppy and as an adult (last examination 30.05.2014)
Normal by parents
DNA normal
DNA normal
DNA normal
DNA normal
Owner Silke Romirer:
Esh is very intelligent. He learns fast, he loves learning and works great for both toys and treats. I never ever had to use a loud word from puppy on. He is a soft dog in everyday life, but has a strong will to work. He is very easy to handle. Right from the start he liked to play with toys, tug and retrieve everything and he has a strong bite. He loves to give the toy back and even sometimes tries to give the toy to the mouth of other dogs. Esh does very well in obedience and he has already passed 3 exams. In Austria they are called BH, BHG 1 and BHG 2. He is also a very fast runner and is ambitious to always run faster than the other dogs.
In agility he is very concentrated. He moves very fast and he always wants to make it right. He is a perfectionist. He looks at me all the time, he can work close to me and also with distance, and he reacts to commands immediately. He can deal with corrections. when it is justified. I think, he is a dream to a handler who wants a dog to work with, because he would die for you, if you ask him for it. He can excite himself for everything, no matter what time of day or weather. At a competition he blossoms out. Even though he finds dogs and people really exciting, he does his job, and even repairs my mistakes. Esh can work any time anywhere and still he is very nice and relaxed at home. He can also relax if he is not doing something for a day.
Esh has grown up with 3 other dogs, so he has always lived in a pack. He has played with the other dogs in the pack from the beginning, and he also liked to play with border collies or herding breeds. He had to learn to play with other breeds (as most border collies do) as they play more with their bodies, but he learned it, and he is now better with body contact. He loves to run fast and play with other dogs. He likes all dog no matter which gender, if they are polite and careful. He is a real gentleman. He is also very good with small dogs and puppies. Only big dogs and very dominant dogs are not his favorite. He tries to avoid such situations by moving away or by showing facial expressions and bodylanguage. If the other dog is still pushing him, he can answer back. But over all he is not looking for trouble.
Esh likes to tell stories to us like his mother Belly. He is a very cuddly dog. He likes hugging and licks us all over the body, if we let him. He does this with the whole family and everybody he knows well. He likes to sit on your womb or bring you every toy he can find. To begin with he behaves a little reserved to people he does not know, but that changes if they play with him or give him treats. Body contact is reserved for friends. If somebody he does not know at all, walks straight to him and tries to stroke him, he goes two steps back and look at them, as if he wants to say “Hey, I am no soft toy. Introduce yourself”.
Esh has no resource defence of toys, food, people etc. Esh does not like fireworks or thunder, but unfortunately was raised with other dogs who was also afraid. Esh is fine with beeing home alone and is not destroying things in the house.
Presentation video of Esh

Esh is from a strong line of talented agility dogs. He comes from a litter of 4 and all are active in agility and despite their young age they show great potential and great jumping technique. Esh's mother and mother's siblings all compete in agility, and show great potential as well. Esh's mother
Belly Of Austrian Starlight is one of the few dogs who can run as fast as Hoss, when she has a good run. Belly is a halfsister to "the first generation" of the Granting Pleasure dogs (Quincy Vom Thurnhof x Alison Vom Hegnenberg). This means Esh is a nephew to
Fetch Granting Pleasure, Chilli Pepper Granting Pleasure, Fleece Granting Pleaure and all the other super talented agility dogs from Granting Pleasure. Esh is a cousin of my A litter which produced dogs with exceptional potential for agility including
All Zet Air Attack Strafe. Esh's father
Lynmar Jim is a herding dog, and he is the father of quite a few dogs doing agility. So far I have heard that his offspring are soft dogs that are easy to work with.
Esh has his own page here on with lots of links to videos of family etc.. Check it out here. You can also take a look at
Fetch's page here on to see the links for Esh's talented aunts and ucles in agility.
Here you can see the health results of all close relatives that I could find.
All names marked in blue, is a link to a video, picture or website of the dogs.
Mother and Father:
Litter siblings (all tested):
3/4 siblings through Evening Moon Granting Pleasure
and Lynmar Jim (8 of 18 tested)
Half siblings through Lynmar Jim (11 of many tested)
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Mother's sibling (all tested)