The past week has been a very very busy week.
- I have been clicker training some more.
- We have been out for a walk outside the house a new place off leash.
- We have been to the big vet check.
- We had tons of visitors.
- I have found who will get each puppy.
The pups all work very nicely in clicker training... All very happy and concentrated, after they just get to examin the new room. They all also love to hug and give kisses.
The pups enjoyed the first walk outside the house off leash. No hesitating, just running and having fun.
They also did perfect at the vet check. Of course 9 puppies in the room with lots of new things is diffcult... They want to play with everything! All was healthy in the general vet check and only Kit/Jess said one tiny peep when getting the chip. They also got their eyes checked. All but one was totally perfect. Link/Chaser had a very, very mild case of PPM, which will not meen anythng for her at all... Not as a sportsdog or a breeding dog.
The house has been full of guests. One day we were 9 people here! The pups enjoy the attention.
The pups have now been linked to their new names:
Robin: Chip
Rudy: Brave
Ash: Cyber
Mason: Mason
Kit: Jess
Bindi: Love
Link: Chaser
Fix: Hurra
Jingle: Cron