Border collie health

Epilepsy database - Czech database containing information on dogs affected with epilepsy
Border Collie fitting database - UK epilepsy database
Border Collie Health - Database on DNA tests for CEA, CL and TNS
Translating hip dysplasia results - Article on how hip dysplasia scores are evaluated in the three big organizations, including how you can translate the results between the organizations
Positioning when x-raying hips Article on the importance on the right positioning during hip x-rays

Agility friends

Jinwoo Lee // 07.06.21 //

Hej, jeg bor i Korea. Først og fremmest kan jeg ikke dansk, så jeg brugte en oversætter. Jeg vil gerne have en Border Collie, men jeg spekulerer på, om hvalpe kan komme til Korea fra Danmark. Jeg er også en agilityatlet, så jeg er nysgerrig efter hundens temperament, skelet og pris. Tak fordi du lyttede
Melissa Berde // 31.07.20 //

Hi! I'm interested in getting a new BC for agility. Can you let me know if there are any upcoming litter recommendations? I'm looking for one that looks just like Jazz. Black/White smooth, Fast. Thanks!
Leise Astrid Passer Jensen // 26.06.19 //

Hej Jane,
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Fedt at se, at Chip er klar igen. Og tillykke med landsholdsudtagelsen.

:) og Venlig hilsen
Leise Passer

Kennel All Zet Offspring

Jiggy's family

Simic - Mother, Asasara Attractive Thunderbird
Sid - Father, Akersborg Sid
Frøken - Mother's mother, Gawain's Miss Night Dancer
Don - Mother's father, Asphagen's Don
Hemp - Father's father, Bwlc Hemp
Nala - Litter sister, Border Tresure Amazing Jewel
Succes - Litter sister, Border Treasure A True Succes
Queenie - Litter sister, Border Treasure Agility Queen

Uno - Litter brother, Border Treasure Airforce One

Ninja - Half sister on mother's side, Border Treasure Be My Ninja

Ginger - Halfsister on father's side, Bitter Sweet Ginger Vom Schwanauer Land
Kennel Asasara - The breeder of Jiggy's mother

Kennel Akersborg - The breeder of Jiggy's father

Do It's family
Stig - Mother, Darleyfalls I'm The Stig
Sonny - Father, Sylvain Of Nagata House JP
Style, Fiji and Reef - Sister Darleyfalls Bright Day, half sister Darleyfalls Free Flo and uncle Darleyfalls No Fear
Boss - Unle, Devongem Mr, Boss Man
Troy and Tease - Cousins, Borderpaws Black Prince and Borderpaws Secret Tease

Chip's family
Do It - Mother, Darleyfalls All Zet To Do It
Esh - Father, Esh Of Austrian Starlight
Stig - Mother's mother, Darleyfalls I'm The Stig
Sonny - Mother's father, Sylvain Of Nagata House JP
Belly - Father's mother, Belly Of Austrian Starlight
Style, Fiji and Reef - Aunts Darleyfalls Bright Day and Darleyfalls Free Flo
Even - Uncle, Evening Of Austrian Starlight

Border Collie Kennels

Kennel Granting Pleasure - German border collie kennel run by Klaus Grauhering and Susanne -Steinmetz. The breeder of the famous "Granting Pleasure" dogs and Fetch Granting Pleasure the father of the All Zet A litter, who are doing really good at international championships. 

Kennel Beck's Hill - Italien border collie kennel run by Marco Giavoni and Francesca Panzeri. The owner of the very nice agility border collie "Fetch Granting Pleasure" - The father of the All Zet A litter.

Kennel Austrian Starlight - Austrian border collie kennel by Pascale Kühn. Pascale has breed some very nice very talented agility dogs including Esh Of Austrian Starlight, the father of the All Zet C litter.

Kennel MAWLCH - Croatian border collie kennel run by Alen Marekovic. Breeder of top agility dogs and Alen is a very good handler who has been participating in the worldchampionships for many years.
Kennel The Narrow Lane - German border collie kennel that have breed some very good agility dogs.

Kennel Trust Your Heart - German kennel. They breed border collies for heerding and agility.
Kennel Eyewitness - Kennel from Finland. They are the breeder of many successful agility dogs.
Kennel Tending - Finnish kennel. They are primarily breeding dogs for obedience, but some of their offsprings have done a really good job on the agility course on an international level.

Other interesting websites

OneMind Dogs - Traning site about agility. Created by Jaakko Suoknuutti and Janita Leinonen.
Agility gossip - Gossip from all over the world. Updated daily with info on agility seminars, videos, upcomming litters and much more
Anadune - Amazing database, which contains information on a lot of border collie genetical qualities. It is possible to make fictive matings and see if the offspring will suffer from any hereditary disease or see what possible coat colours the mating will produce.
Genomia - The company where I get my DNA tests done
Working-dog - Database with information on many border collies. Some of the big competitions will also be filmed and you can buy acces to see them. 
Syncorun - Cool site where you can compare two run. Lots of runs to compare from the WC.
Smooth Moves Agility - Really cool site with time comparison and handling comparison videos of some af the best runs from some of the largest trials in the world.
Huxi border - See lots of films of some of the best handlers from Germany on this website.
lhbsystems - Results from the agility WC
My border collie - Website about Border Collies

Vallensbæk Agility Club

The Danish Border Collie Club

The Danish Kennel Club

Hundeweb - Info on events organised by the Danish Kennel Club, info on pedigees and much more

The Danish National Agility Team - The official homepage for the Danish National Agility Team

Support the Danish National Agility Team - Support website for the Danish National Agility Team

Danish Agility Link

Taastrup Hundesvømning - Dog swimming in Taastrup

Clean Run - Lots of agility gear from the US
Fødevarestyrelsen - Rules about travelling with your dog to Denmark

Jane Elene Christensen · Ibsensvej 59 · 2630 Taastrup · Denmark · +45 24 23 75 95 ·
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